Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Want to have your own Internet radio show? Part one

Well, first you have to pick a subject that interests you, and of course other people. For without them, you'll have no show. Now before you do anything else, you'll have to make the commitment to do this on a regular basis. This means week to week to week because your listeners don't want to be disappointed when there's no show after planning to be at their computers every week to listen to whatever you present. That's pretty much it, pretty simple hmm.

However, getting your show on the air every week is not simple. On starting, you need to register with, in our case, BlogTalkRadio to be a host. This is differant than being a listener. There's an application, or form if you will, that has to be made out. When I registered two years ago, this form didn't give anyone a whole lot of information on how to fill it out. To me, it was complicated and I didn't have anyone to ask how to do it. You have to name the show on the appication, e-mail address, some personal information, etc. I finally got through it and it was time to go to the next step

Now you need to pick a time slot that you want the show to air on, having in mind the differant time zones around the country. I mean, you wouldn't want to do a show at 3:00 am wherever you are. You don't have to state this while signing up, but it requires some thought.

Okay, you've registered, named the show, decided a time slot for the new show and your ready to go out and meet a whole new group of people you've never met before and a whole lot of people that you'll never know their names because you'll only really meet the people that'll be in your chat room, the rest will be tuning in via podcast of which you can't see. Picking a co-host to do the show with you is also a good idea. But make the choice well. He/she needs to be of someone that you get along well with, is ready to share some of the work that needs to go into having a show, and is able to take over and do the show in case you can't make it at some point.

Now the hard and scary part. You have to pre-advertise your show in advance. You have to sign in and go to a page that allows you to pick the actual time you're to air the program, tell a little about what the show's about, pick a show catoragory, how long the show will be on the air, usually one hour, 90 minutes or two hours and of course, what day. But the real scary part of it is, there's a switchboard that's part of the broadcasting method of doing the show and there's no way to practise on it until you do the show. What we did was, we set up a program for a half hour test show so that I could get the hang of it prior to having a regular show. At the time, only one of us had access to it, but now that has changed.

The above is just getting ready to do the show, there's a lot more behind the scenes of actually doing one. In part two next time, I'll get into the real nuts and bolts, pitfalls, headaches, pride and laughs of actually doing a show.

If you have any comments, click on comments and fire away.
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Saturday, October 17, 2009

My sighting?

I had been a deer hunter for many years in the State of Maine. The following might be considered a sighting, I'll leave it to the reader. This happened in 2000, in the first week of November, east of Bangor. Now, just a small bit of trivia. In Maine, as in most states, nobody and nothing goes into the woods during hunting season without wearing hunters' orange, either vest or hat or both. That includes non-hunters (residents) and pets. Anyway, I was sitting on a log on the side of a hill about 7:00 a.m. overlooking an open area that ran about 600 yards straight away from me with a another hill to my left with a tree line stopping just on the downward side becoming thick briars and scrub bushes, and on the right side, approx 200 yards, were more woods with a small steam about 15 feet wide running through them. To the right side of these woods was a huge swamp and beyond that, nothing but woods for miles.

I then saw what appeared to be a tall man walk out of the tree line on the left side hill about two hundred yards away, walk in my direction a short way along the tree line and then turned and walked down the hill heading towards the woods on the right. I usually carried binoculars and a camera with me, but for some reason, didn't use them, didn't think of them or didn't have them with me. The thing was, this 'man' was completely black! I mean hands and face also. I remember thinking "either this guy is out of his head or he doesn't know what he is doing" as this area contains black bear as well. he was too far away for me to make out any distinct features such as if he (it) had fur or whatever. He was not carrying anything and was in a hurry because he covered that 200 yards really quick with me catching glimpses between the scrub bushes. He disappeared into the right side woods and was gone.

About two hours later, my hunting partner joined me and I told him about this damn fool in black. We decided to walk over to this stand of woods and look around and when we did, there was no sign of him.

The following year in this same area, I was looking for deer tracks along a tote road and came across a single clear bare footprint on the side of the road. It was not your typical 15" + track, but about the size of my boot print which is 9 1/2. Again, I remember thinking "who would have their shoes and socks off out here when it was like 20 degrees for the past week.

These instances were 9 and 8 years ago and at the time, I was not 'into' bigfoot and bigfoot never entered my mind at the time. I was always interested in the Yeti of Himalaya fame and such but did not realize that there might be a creature here in the states until later on when I started to research on the web. I now follow most websites on the subject and read every sighting I can find. I even, along with Mike Killen, have an internet radio show on Bigfoot. I don't hunt anymore, but perhaps I will go back to this area again and 'hunt' with a camera.

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Is Bigfoot Real?

Hmmm, good question! I wish I knew for certain.

Alices’ Wonderland, Dorothys’ Land of Oz, Rumplestiltskin and Santa Claus are real in childrens’ minds, but they’re just made up stories as we later found out. Made up stories? Like the Queen of Hearts, the Wicked Witch of the East. the ugly Troll and Grinch, are these stories of Bigfoot just fantasies like the above fairy tales, made up to scare us for awhile until we realize that there’s no such thing as monsters? Until the realization sets in, the hoaxers have a great laugh at our expense. Yeah, maybe there is no such thing as Bigfoot and I have wasted the last two years doing a show about a fantasy. Maybe I should have done a show about Little Red Riding Hood. After all, the Big Bad Wolf was a creature of the woods!

But wait a doggone minute here! What about the tens of thousands of sightings of the creature known as ‘Bigfoot‘? A great deal of these are from Game Wardens, Cops, Firemen, Doctors, Phd’s lumber Jacks, Hunters, Fishers, Nurses, Moms driving their kids to school and others who have no agenda to lie. I personally have read thousands of these sightings myself on websites that keep records of these reports. And, these are just reports of people that submitted them. What about the people who were too embarrassed or afraid of ridicule from friends, family or co-workers to submit their sightings. What about the other people who were not afraid to report them, but didn’t know where to report them.

Well, what about some pictures? If there were this many sightings, where are the pictures? There are pictures out there, but most of them are out of focus, hard to see, etc. To be honest, not worth a damn. However, most of the sightings are from people who were in a vehicle not expecting to see anything. Most sightings are but a second or two, too quick to get the camera out and point and a good deal of them are that the people were too surprised to remember the camera. This in fact happened to me. What about the videos such as the Paterson/Gimlin film which to this time as not been proven to be a hoax? But that is a topic for another Blog at another time.

What about the fact that there are thousands of footprint casts? 15, 18+ inch footprints. Imagine yourself as a hoaxer, going into very remote woods miles off the main logging road with a pair of wooden feet hoping that some research would walk by in the next few days or so because the rain would wash away any traces of them or in the case of snow, they would melt. You’d maybe do this once or twice before saying to yourself, that’s it!

What about the hair? Samples of hair have been found from time to time and submitted for analysis. It comes back as ‘Unknown Primate”. this is after having been compared to every known animal. Hmmm.

There are many other things to present here such as rock throwing, vocals, tree knocks, footsteps, stealing of food, teepee structures, etc. but this is suppose to be a Blog and not a book.

Is Bigfoot real? Fantasy? I wish I knew for certain.

Now it's your turn. Bigfoot real or fantasy? If you have an opinion, go to comments.

Next Time: My Own Sighting

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Refreshed Blogsite

To all the people who have come here in the last year or so, I apologize for not having much to see here. This page was created as an assistant page to our regular BlogTalkRadio show where Mike Killen and I do our regular tuesday night internet radio show.

It was first intended to describe what the previous show was about, who our guest was and who called in live on the show. That went nicely for awhile, but then time became a commodity and keeping up with it became a problem and that was not fair to the visitors to this site

This page then became a place to add some pictures or videos that our guests wanted to submit prior to the show because these would be most of the talking points during the show interview. But then, most of the guests did not have anything they wanted to put on the page, so this page again lapsed into inactivity.

Starting this week however, I've decided to do a blog page about anything Bigfoot related and hopefully after the false starts, to keep it on a regular basis about once a week. I may even put it out there about if anyone who doesn't have their own site who wanted to be a guest blogger on this site, we could probibly work it out as long as it was Bigfoot related of some kind.

One change that has been made, is that there is now a spot on the right side of the page to subscribe to the blog. This is intended to be delivered to your e-mail in-box whenever there is a blog post.

Okay, that's it for now and we'll see how it goes.

Bob Coyne