Saturday, December 19, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays everyone from Bob and Mike!
NOTE: Be sure to pause Bigfoot Quest Radio Show on right side of page before playing video.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lounga The Bigfoots Side of the Story

Huh? Wha? It's morning already? Boy, my head really hurts. I guess I had too many of those formenting apples last night. I knew when I went over to that farmer's orchard that this was going to happen. I should have quit after the first dozen. I'm not ever gonna do that again. Let's see now, the last thing I remember was, my girlfriend Singo was calling me on a tree with her usual three knocks and quickly followed by another one. I wasn't about to answer her. She's always calling me when she thinks I'm having a good time.

Okay, tme to get up and get going. Kind of chilly this morning and I almost froze last night. This teepee could use a lot of work. I don't know why, but, everytime I put one of these together, I get the limbs intertwined right, but then there seems to be a blank spot in my head on how to finish it. Grandpa Grong told me that his Grandpa learned it from the Indians. However, some details must have been lost somewhere through time I guess. What I need is a cave, but our leader, old man Mwala has the only one in these mountains. I'll take it from him someday, but it'll be awhile. he's old, but can still take care of himself. besides, he don't like me much and I try to keep some distance from him.

Let's see. First, I need to get something to eat, I'm starved. Crawfish down in the stream might do it. It hasn't rained for awhile and the streams been running low and if I'm lucky, maybe a trout or two. Course, there's always the last of the berries on the other side of the ridge if the bears haven't got them yet. With this headache, I can't bring myself to chasing down a deer. Maybe later in the day. But for now, the stream is about an hours' walk and the ridge is at least two. Well, might as well get started.

The stream is just on the bottom of this hill. Oh, oh. What the heck is that movement through the trees ahead. Looks like two of those small ugly creatures that sort of look like me, but their skin is funny somehow. Their hair on their bodies are differant colors like I see on flowers. I've seen these creatures before. They make strange noises when their mouths move. Sometimes, I have looked through holes in their caves and when they see me, they scream very loud which makes me leave real quick. These creatures make me curious, but also make me afraid as Grandpa Grong told me that sometimes they carry sticks that make a loud noise and they can hurt me. He said that they are very dangerous and I should never get close to them. I'll just stand here by this tree and maybe they'll pass by without seeing me. Oh no! They stopped and are now looking right at me and pointing with their fingers. One of them is bringing a small box up to it's face. Maybe it's trying to hide it's face, but I can still see it. Something tells me that that small box is not a good thing. I'm going to walk away in the opposite direction and keep the tree between them and myself. Thank Heavens I listened to Grandpa Grong. With these creatures, you never can be too careful.

Sometimes at night when I'm with my friends, Agwal and Tanid, and we're just hanging out at one of our many stone formation meeting places, stories are passed around about these creatures. I'm telling you, it's hard falling asleep afterwards without looking around wondering if they're just on the outskirts of the woods watching us.

Although I'm afraid of these creatures, it is a lot of fun sneaking around at night when they're sleeping on the ground in the warm weather. I always get a laugh when I pay them back and scream out and they go running to those strange things that they get into that stinks and makes noises and moves real fast. Also, when I'm really bored, I'll crouch down at night beside those hard black paths and when they come by in those strange things, I'll stand up and watch them go even faster. One laugh after another.

Now then, I think I'll give Singo a call. She must have calmed down by now.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009


Dactyloscopy! Why do scientist always want to hang a fancy name onto something while a simple name would do? Dactyloscopy means fingerprints. Or, to be more precise, the collecting and classificaton of fingerprints. Why am I sitting here writing about fingerprints when the blog is supposed to be about Bigfoot? Well, every once in a while, some researcher, after being out researching all day, will come back to camp and they'll be a handprint on their vehicle that they think was made by Bigfoot. Hmm, now what?

A little background on me might be in order before I go any further. During my 37 years in Law Enforcement, many years were spent as a detective. As a detective, I was assigned to the State Police lab for 3 months and all I did during that time was lift and classify fingerprints. I examined so many thousands of prints, that at night, all I dreamed about was loops, whorls, arches and all the sub-catoragories. I read almost every book on the subject, testified many times in court using charts depicting 'points' and was declared an expert in both District and Superior Courts. My desk in my office was crowded with glass slides with prints on them that were lifted at crime scenes. Almost everyone one of those slides were of no value.

The reason why I say that they were of no value is because you need to have someone to compare it to, otherwise, it's just a print. Today, the FBI as well as the States top Law Enforcement office have huge fingerprint data computers where you put your lifted print in and it'll search every print on file for a match. However, if someone hasn't been printed, it's just a print.

Say, this is pretty interesting, but what has this to do with Bigfoot? Well, last year someone sent me a picture of a handprint that was found on a car's back window and the thinking was it was Bigfoot who walked by and laid it's hand on the window. I took that picture and blew it up more than it was to look for any patterns (i.e. loop, whorl, etc) and found that the finger tips was just smudges with maybe just a few ridges showing. Maybe Bigfoot did touch the window, maybe not. Maybe it was one of the research crew that inadvertently touch the window, Maybe not. But as far as I know, no one has ever printed a Bigfoot before so even if the handprint showed every ridge and groove possible, what or who do you match it to as I have previously stated? The real value would be if it was found to have ridge patterns that were never seen before. Then, the print would not have to be matched with something or someone and that may be proof enough that some unknown creature was real.

A footprint is another story. A human footprint has ridges and grooves just like the hands, but there are no actual categories such as loops, whorls, etc. Dr. M. has a footprint, supposedly a Bigfoot footprint that was cast and it was discovered to have ridges and groves. What makes this exciting versus a handprint on a window is that the ridges run differantly than what a human print would show. And that to me was a great discovery. It amazes me that a find like this hasn't been made into a a bigger deal then it has.

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Nobody asked me, But...

Billy Willard is the living example of 'a good guy'.

The Florida SkunkApe is a misnomer, all Bigfoot stink according to reports.

I believe that Podiatrist should be the real experts on Bigfoot footprints.

Bobbie Shorts' newsletter is the best out there and I can't believe it's free.

I can't buy into the idea that Bigfoot and flying saucers are connected.

Stan Courtney has to be the most traveled Bigfoot researcher.

We should leave Bigfoot crayons so they can leave us messages 'please leave me alone'.

I think that 'Reverend Strone' is an exceptionally fine Bigfoot artist.

I can't buy into the Albert Ostman abduction either.

I think that Doug Bilby is one of the great Bigfoot story tellers.

Bigfoot fingerprints on cars, etc. are really of no use. Upcoming Blog.

Don Keating, aside from being kiddingly called names, is a really smart guy.

Does Bigfoot know how to make fire or maybe just doesn't feel like it.

Is there anyone that is famous in the Bigfoot community that Henry doesn't have a picture of him standing beside that person.

If I did it, I'd screw it up, But, we need more Bigfoot conferences here in the NE.

To Bill Green, no, I am not actively investigating any sightings in Mass.

Why can't they rename the Unknown Primate Category, "Bigfoot". Isn't it the same thing?

Andy Drew has our show on automatic startup, login and chat page. I wonder how he does that?

If Bigfoot has a language as a major study indicates, why don't they have either tools or wear animal skins for protection against the cold?

Diane Stocking never met a microphone she didn't like.

We'll have to do this again sometime. Next time, maybe your name will pop up!

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bigfoot Researchers

I've got to tip my hat to Bigfoot researchers. Okay, okay, what the heck are Bigfoot researchers you might ask?

These are non-paid people who believe that there is a certain creature out there that is commonly called 'Bigfoot' or 'Sasquatch' and they are prepared to go out there and find it. So, what's the big deal? People research things all the time. Well, that's true, but there are researchers and then there are researchers. Here's the difference.

Almost all research is about something tangible, or, in other words, substantially real. The scientific community recognizes it's there and the researchers are trying to either cure it, find out more about it, add to it, improve it or teach it, etc. And, most research is done in an office, home P.C., library, college or laboratory with the exception of archeology, geology and outdoor things of that nature. but still, the nature or subject is real.

Bigfoot research on the other hand is research based solely on the belief that it's real. Quite a difference there. Like the archeologist and geologist, et al, they pack their bags of clothes, binoculars, bionic ears, two way radios, maps, cameras, trail cams, recorders, food, camping stuff, water, tents, change the oil and gas up, kiss the dog, kids and spouses in that order and head off for three-four days of roughing it.

The weather doesn't seem to deter most of the researchers either. Rain, snow, 30 degrees, 90 degrees, wind and hot sun, they go to places you better have a good compass with you or you're in a world of bad.

Now I've been out in the woods when it's been 90 degrees and I kept my car near so I could take advantage of the AC. I've been out there in 20-30 degrees, but the motel was not too far away and there was never any hesitation about going there. These people (Mike Killen for one) make camp and stay there no matter what. Hiking all over creation, staying up all night without being able to see 20 feet off and being able to hold their ground after hearing the most God-awful roar within rock throwing distance. Their shivering is not from the cold nor the sweating from the heat. There are places they go that have all kinds of nasty things there also, depending on the State. Meaning, when it's warm, there's poisonous snakes, spiders, scorpions, ticks, a kazillion mosquitos and a lot more that I don't want to have anything to do with.

There are places in the cold that I would not go to because there are brown, black and grisly bears. But even waking up in a sleeping bag with the temp under 50 is not cool. No thanks.

But the researchers? No problem. You see, there's a lot of circumstantial evidence out there to reinforce their beliefs that Bigfoot is real and the only way to prove it is to go where they believe it is. I believe Bigfoot is real, but I prefer not to go the extra mile as it were to prove it, unlike these dedicated other people. That's why I think the Bigfoot researchers deserve a tip of the hat.

Now where's my hat? Oh, oh, the darn dog took it again. Here girl! Here girl! Why do I always have to chase this dog?

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Monday, November 16, 2009

More than one species?

This past weekend while indulging in my favorite pastime of daydreaming, Bigfoot came to mind. I have mentioned previously that I read a lot of sightings from misc. sites. Of particular interest is the descriptions given of the creature.

One would think that most, if not all, would be of the same. I mean, after all, how many species of Bigfoots can there be. However, at it turns out, like humans, there appears to be many if the reports can be any measure.

There are hair colored red ones, brown ones, black ones, white ones, tan ones, grey ones, mixed colored ones and even a report of an orange one. Short hair, long hair, hair on the face, no hair on the face. Hair on the breasts in the case of a female, no hair on the breasts.

Arms are thigh length, knee length and below the knees. They are body-builder size, normal size and skinny.

Their heads are cone shaped, flat topped, or human shaped. extended brow, no brow. Big lips, thin lips. Sharp teeth, even teeth. Recessed eyes, normal eyes. Red eyes, yellow eyes, green eyes. Whites, no whites. Noses are flat and wide, normal nose. Large ears, no ears. Face appears gorilla like, dog like and human like. They can look around or can't look around without turning their body. Wide shoulders, normal shoulders

They've been described as Neanderthal looking, gorilla looking, human looking. They can run on two feet or on all four limbs.

Their sounds are grunts, whistles, screams, hisses, howls, some kind of a language and everything in between. They are nocturnal, or anytime during the daytime. They are docile, they are aggressive.

They walk slowly away, walk very fast or run like a deer when they see a person. They are 250 lbs, 350 lbs, 450 and more lbs. They are 6 ft, 7ft, 8 ft, 9ft, 10ft and at least one report at 14 ft. They stand perfectly still, sway from side to side or don't even look at who's watching them. Of
course there's the footprints. Three toed, four toed, 5 toed, normal prints, offset bigtoe prints, curved prints.

I'm sure I've missed a few things, but you get the picture. Now I think I'll get back to my favorite pastime.

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Big Mystery

I love a good mystery. In fact, I think everyone does. I buy those paper back detective books all the time. When I start the book, I know that the solution or culprit will be finally revealed in the last few pages of the book. Hey great book! Let's get another!

But the mystery of Bigfoot is not at all like a detective book. Yes, the detectives are there, the fingerprints are there, the witnesses are there, however, there is no solution forthcoming. It's like getting books with the last pages torn out. Those Bigfoot shows on television aren't much help either. One person shouts to another 'my God, what's that!' Commercial time. When the show resumes, it was just a rabbit hopping off. After several times of doing this, you realize that there is not enough time left in the show to discover anything. It's very frustrating to me even though I might have seen one as described in a previous post. I'm not alone though. Why do people go out and buy the latest books on Sasquatch, tune into T.V. whenever there's another segment on Sasquatch or even listen week to week on Sasquatch internet radio shows? We're all looking for that tiniest piece of information that'll give us the 'solution'.

I have a friend that's a skeptic. Even though he admits that he doesn't really buy into Bigfoot, he has some books, some CD's, tunes into our show every week as well as other Bigfoot shows. When we get together, we talk about the pros and cons of Bigfoot. The thing is in my opinion, he's hooked on the mystery. Anyone who has an interest in Bigfoot is hooked on the mystery also.

I wonder if Bigfoot was discovered to be a real live animal, would most of us move on to some other mystery, some other cryptic species? I mean, would we tune into radio or T.V. shows and listen to someone describe that they heard what they think are Bigfoot screams or tracks that they found attributed to Bigfoot? Think about tuning into a show about gorillas where they just show you where the grass is flattened out because they bedded down there for the night or some half eaten stalks and leaves without actually showing the gorillas themselves. I know gorillas exist, either show me the gorillas or I'm going onto something else.

Yes, it's the mystery that keeps us coming back everytime. It's what keeps us going to sites that reports sighting stories, pictures of tracks, internet radio shows, T.V. , books and everything else so that maybe tomorrow, just maybe sometime soon, we can finally get to the end of the book and solve the .....mystery.

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Want to have your own radio show? Part two

Okay, you've done everything in part one, now to plan on going on the air. Unless you can talk for hours and hours on one main subject of whatever your show is about, it would be a good idea to invite guests to interview onto your show. Although Blog Talk Radio is really a call in program, you can not depend on people picking up the phone and calling in, especially if there are going to be long distant charges. Now, getting guests to appear on your show is not as easy as one would think. Mike and I spend a lot of time on this. Guests have their own agendas that don't always match yours. This is to mean that with the differant time zones and the time of your show, after supper to you may mean that to your prospective guest, they are still at work. They may have differants plans for the day of the show or they simply cannot stay for the allotted time of the interview.

We generally start the week talking on the telephone discussing who to invite to the show and to what show date in the future that we need a guest. Sometimes, that 'date' is the very next show! Then we sit back and...wait. When we get back responses, it could be anything like, 'nope, can't make it', 'yes, but not until next month', 'the only time I can make it is the following week' meanwhile, we have someone already scheduled for that week. And of course, no responses at all! Meanwhile, the clock is ticking because there are more things to do after someone accepts. When we don't get a response, we have to wait a few days because not everyone checks their e-mail everyday. Tick Tock, Tick Tock.

John S. responds back and yes he can make it. Great! Now we have to do a show announcement on our show's main page on who is going to be on the show and a little about who this person is. Then, we send out a show reminder e-mail to whoever is on our notification list which is around a hundred people. We're ready to do the show! Well, almost.

Some guest have some pictures or links that they want to talk about and it's not much fun for the listeners to hear someone be talking and describing a picture without seeing the actual picture. So, Mike and I have another website where we can put these pictures or links on and the listeners can go there and see the pictures or links. The page is just in case your curious. These pictures or links have to be uploaded to the site in advance and sometimes it's very time consuming. We're now ready to do the show! Hmm, just a couple more things to cover.

The guest that is scheduled needs to be 1. Interesting, 2. Be able to fill up the time slot available. In our case, 90 minutes. This is usually not a problem. We had a guest once who as I understood it, was supposed to be on for 90 minutes. After 40 minutes, decided that it was past his bedtime and he needed his sleep. Mike and I were left with 50 minutes and thunderstruck because we hadn't planned on anything like this. After tapping our fingers on our desk wondering what we were going to say, we gave out the call-in number hoping someone would call in of which happened.

Last thing. If you don't have a guest, you do just a call-in show. The pitfall here is, as stated before, you may not get any or enough callers to fill the show. But that's show business!!

The pride comes in here when everything goes smoothly, the guest was great, the chatroom was active with a lot of questions and comments about what a great show it was. We get a warm feeling when that happens! Is putting on an internet show a lot of work? Yes! We've been doing it for a couple of years now and we still love doing it. The people we've met from all over the US and the rest of the world are all good people and we look forward to meeting more.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Want to have your own Internet radio show? Part one

Well, first you have to pick a subject that interests you, and of course other people. For without them, you'll have no show. Now before you do anything else, you'll have to make the commitment to do this on a regular basis. This means week to week to week because your listeners don't want to be disappointed when there's no show after planning to be at their computers every week to listen to whatever you present. That's pretty much it, pretty simple hmm.

However, getting your show on the air every week is not simple. On starting, you need to register with, in our case, BlogTalkRadio to be a host. This is differant than being a listener. There's an application, or form if you will, that has to be made out. When I registered two years ago, this form didn't give anyone a whole lot of information on how to fill it out. To me, it was complicated and I didn't have anyone to ask how to do it. You have to name the show on the appication, e-mail address, some personal information, etc. I finally got through it and it was time to go to the next step

Now you need to pick a time slot that you want the show to air on, having in mind the differant time zones around the country. I mean, you wouldn't want to do a show at 3:00 am wherever you are. You don't have to state this while signing up, but it requires some thought.

Okay, you've registered, named the show, decided a time slot for the new show and your ready to go out and meet a whole new group of people you've never met before and a whole lot of people that you'll never know their names because you'll only really meet the people that'll be in your chat room, the rest will be tuning in via podcast of which you can't see. Picking a co-host to do the show with you is also a good idea. But make the choice well. He/she needs to be of someone that you get along well with, is ready to share some of the work that needs to go into having a show, and is able to take over and do the show in case you can't make it at some point.

Now the hard and scary part. You have to pre-advertise your show in advance. You have to sign in and go to a page that allows you to pick the actual time you're to air the program, tell a little about what the show's about, pick a show catoragory, how long the show will be on the air, usually one hour, 90 minutes or two hours and of course, what day. But the real scary part of it is, there's a switchboard that's part of the broadcasting method of doing the show and there's no way to practise on it until you do the show. What we did was, we set up a program for a half hour test show so that I could get the hang of it prior to having a regular show. At the time, only one of us had access to it, but now that has changed.

The above is just getting ready to do the show, there's a lot more behind the scenes of actually doing one. In part two next time, I'll get into the real nuts and bolts, pitfalls, headaches, pride and laughs of actually doing a show.

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

My sighting?

I had been a deer hunter for many years in the State of Maine. The following might be considered a sighting, I'll leave it to the reader. This happened in 2000, in the first week of November, east of Bangor. Now, just a small bit of trivia. In Maine, as in most states, nobody and nothing goes into the woods during hunting season without wearing hunters' orange, either vest or hat or both. That includes non-hunters (residents) and pets. Anyway, I was sitting on a log on the side of a hill about 7:00 a.m. overlooking an open area that ran about 600 yards straight away from me with a another hill to my left with a tree line stopping just on the downward side becoming thick briars and scrub bushes, and on the right side, approx 200 yards, were more woods with a small steam about 15 feet wide running through them. To the right side of these woods was a huge swamp and beyond that, nothing but woods for miles.

I then saw what appeared to be a tall man walk out of the tree line on the left side hill about two hundred yards away, walk in my direction a short way along the tree line and then turned and walked down the hill heading towards the woods on the right. I usually carried binoculars and a camera with me, but for some reason, didn't use them, didn't think of them or didn't have them with me. The thing was, this 'man' was completely black! I mean hands and face also. I remember thinking "either this guy is out of his head or he doesn't know what he is doing" as this area contains black bear as well. he was too far away for me to make out any distinct features such as if he (it) had fur or whatever. He was not carrying anything and was in a hurry because he covered that 200 yards really quick with me catching glimpses between the scrub bushes. He disappeared into the right side woods and was gone.

About two hours later, my hunting partner joined me and I told him about this damn fool in black. We decided to walk over to this stand of woods and look around and when we did, there was no sign of him.

The following year in this same area, I was looking for deer tracks along a tote road and came across a single clear bare footprint on the side of the road. It was not your typical 15" + track, but about the size of my boot print which is 9 1/2. Again, I remember thinking "who would have their shoes and socks off out here when it was like 20 degrees for the past week.

These instances were 9 and 8 years ago and at the time, I was not 'into' bigfoot and bigfoot never entered my mind at the time. I was always interested in the Yeti of Himalaya fame and such but did not realize that there might be a creature here in the states until later on when I started to research on the web. I now follow most websites on the subject and read every sighting I can find. I even, along with Mike Killen, have an internet radio show on Bigfoot. I don't hunt anymore, but perhaps I will go back to this area again and 'hunt' with a camera.

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Is Bigfoot Real?

Hmmm, good question! I wish I knew for certain.

Alices’ Wonderland, Dorothys’ Land of Oz, Rumplestiltskin and Santa Claus are real in childrens’ minds, but they’re just made up stories as we later found out. Made up stories? Like the Queen of Hearts, the Wicked Witch of the East. the ugly Troll and Grinch, are these stories of Bigfoot just fantasies like the above fairy tales, made up to scare us for awhile until we realize that there’s no such thing as monsters? Until the realization sets in, the hoaxers have a great laugh at our expense. Yeah, maybe there is no such thing as Bigfoot and I have wasted the last two years doing a show about a fantasy. Maybe I should have done a show about Little Red Riding Hood. After all, the Big Bad Wolf was a creature of the woods!

But wait a doggone minute here! What about the tens of thousands of sightings of the creature known as ‘Bigfoot‘? A great deal of these are from Game Wardens, Cops, Firemen, Doctors, Phd’s lumber Jacks, Hunters, Fishers, Nurses, Moms driving their kids to school and others who have no agenda to lie. I personally have read thousands of these sightings myself on websites that keep records of these reports. And, these are just reports of people that submitted them. What about the people who were too embarrassed or afraid of ridicule from friends, family or co-workers to submit their sightings. What about the other people who were not afraid to report them, but didn’t know where to report them.

Well, what about some pictures? If there were this many sightings, where are the pictures? There are pictures out there, but most of them are out of focus, hard to see, etc. To be honest, not worth a damn. However, most of the sightings are from people who were in a vehicle not expecting to see anything. Most sightings are but a second or two, too quick to get the camera out and point and a good deal of them are that the people were too surprised to remember the camera. This in fact happened to me. What about the videos such as the Paterson/Gimlin film which to this time as not been proven to be a hoax? But that is a topic for another Blog at another time.

What about the fact that there are thousands of footprint casts? 15, 18+ inch footprints. Imagine yourself as a hoaxer, going into very remote woods miles off the main logging road with a pair of wooden feet hoping that some research would walk by in the next few days or so because the rain would wash away any traces of them or in the case of snow, they would melt. You’d maybe do this once or twice before saying to yourself, that’s it!

What about the hair? Samples of hair have been found from time to time and submitted for analysis. It comes back as ‘Unknown Primate”. this is after having been compared to every known animal. Hmmm.

There are many other things to present here such as rock throwing, vocals, tree knocks, footsteps, stealing of food, teepee structures, etc. but this is suppose to be a Blog and not a book.

Is Bigfoot real? Fantasy? I wish I knew for certain.

Now it's your turn. Bigfoot real or fantasy? If you have an opinion, go to comments.

Next Time: My Own Sighting

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Refreshed Blogsite

To all the people who have come here in the last year or so, I apologize for not having much to see here. This page was created as an assistant page to our regular BlogTalkRadio show where Mike Killen and I do our regular tuesday night internet radio show.

It was first intended to describe what the previous show was about, who our guest was and who called in live on the show. That went nicely for awhile, but then time became a commodity and keeping up with it became a problem and that was not fair to the visitors to this site

This page then became a place to add some pictures or videos that our guests wanted to submit prior to the show because these would be most of the talking points during the show interview. But then, most of the guests did not have anything they wanted to put on the page, so this page again lapsed into inactivity.

Starting this week however, I've decided to do a blog page about anything Bigfoot related and hopefully after the false starts, to keep it on a regular basis about once a week. I may even put it out there about if anyone who doesn't have their own site who wanted to be a guest blogger on this site, we could probibly work it out as long as it was Bigfoot related of some kind.

One change that has been made, is that there is now a spot on the right side of the page to subscribe to the blog. This is intended to be delivered to your e-mail in-box whenever there is a blog post.

Okay, that's it for now and we'll see how it goes.

Bob Coyne