Monday, November 16, 2009

More than one species?

This past weekend while indulging in my favorite pastime of daydreaming, Bigfoot came to mind. I have mentioned previously that I read a lot of sightings from misc. sites. Of particular interest is the descriptions given of the creature.

One would think that most, if not all, would be of the same. I mean, after all, how many species of Bigfoots can there be. However, at it turns out, like humans, there appears to be many if the reports can be any measure.

There are hair colored red ones, brown ones, black ones, white ones, tan ones, grey ones, mixed colored ones and even a report of an orange one. Short hair, long hair, hair on the face, no hair on the face. Hair on the breasts in the case of a female, no hair on the breasts.

Arms are thigh length, knee length and below the knees. They are body-builder size, normal size and skinny.

Their heads are cone shaped, flat topped, or human shaped. extended brow, no brow. Big lips, thin lips. Sharp teeth, even teeth. Recessed eyes, normal eyes. Red eyes, yellow eyes, green eyes. Whites, no whites. Noses are flat and wide, normal nose. Large ears, no ears. Face appears gorilla like, dog like and human like. They can look around or can't look around without turning their body. Wide shoulders, normal shoulders

They've been described as Neanderthal looking, gorilla looking, human looking. They can run on two feet or on all four limbs.

Their sounds are grunts, whistles, screams, hisses, howls, some kind of a language and everything in between. They are nocturnal, or anytime during the daytime. They are docile, they are aggressive.

They walk slowly away, walk very fast or run like a deer when they see a person. They are 250 lbs, 350 lbs, 450 and more lbs. They are 6 ft, 7ft, 8 ft, 9ft, 10ft and at least one report at 14 ft. They stand perfectly still, sway from side to side or don't even look at who's watching them. Of
course there's the footprints. Three toed, four toed, 5 toed, normal prints, offset bigtoe prints, curved prints.

I'm sure I've missed a few things, but you get the picture. Now I think I'll get back to my favorite pastime.

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