I love a good mystery. In fact, I think everyone does. I buy those paper back detective books all the time. When I start the book, I know that the solution or culprit will be finally revealed in the last few pages of the book. Hey great book! Let's get another!
But the mystery of Bigfoot is not at all like a detective book. Yes, the detectives are there, the fingerprints are there, the witnesses are there, however, there is no solution forthcoming. It's like getting books with the last pages torn out. Those Bigfoot shows on television aren't much help either. One person shouts to another 'my God, what's that!' Commercial time. When the show resumes, it was just a rabbit hopping off. After several times of doing this, you realize that there is not enough time left in the show to discover anything. It's very frustrating to me even though I might have seen one as described in a previous post. I'm not alone though. Why do people go out and buy the latest books on Sasquatch, tune into T.V. whenever there's another segment on Sasquatch or even listen week to week on Sasquatch internet radio shows? We're all looking for that tiniest piece of information that'll give us the 'solution'.
I have a friend that's a skeptic. Even though he admits that he doesn't really buy into Bigfoot, he has some books, some CD's, tunes into our show every week as well as other Bigfoot shows. When we get together, we talk about the pros and cons of Bigfoot. The thing is in my opinion, he's hooked on the mystery. Anyone who has an interest in Bigfoot is hooked on the mystery also.
I wonder if Bigfoot was discovered to be a real live animal, would most of us move on to some other mystery, some other cryptic species? I mean, would we tune into radio or T.V. shows and listen to someone describe that they heard what they think are Bigfoot screams or tracks that they found attributed to Bigfoot? Think about tuning into a show about gorillas where they just show you where the grass is flattened out because they bedded down there for the night or some half eaten stalks and leaves without actually showing the gorillas themselves. I know gorillas exist, either show me the gorillas or I'm going onto something else.
Yes, it's the mystery that keeps us coming back everytime. It's what keeps us going to sites that reports sighting stories, pictures of tracks, internet radio shows, T.V. , books and everything else so that maybe tomorrow, just maybe sometime soon, we can finally get to the end of the book and solve the .....mystery.
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Sunday, November 8, 2009
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