Sunday, November 29, 2009

Nobody asked me, But...

Billy Willard is the living example of 'a good guy'.

The Florida SkunkApe is a misnomer, all Bigfoot stink according to reports.

I believe that Podiatrist should be the real experts on Bigfoot footprints.

Bobbie Shorts' newsletter is the best out there and I can't believe it's free.

I can't buy into the idea that Bigfoot and flying saucers are connected.

Stan Courtney has to be the most traveled Bigfoot researcher.

We should leave Bigfoot crayons so they can leave us messages 'please leave me alone'.

I think that 'Reverend Strone' is an exceptionally fine Bigfoot artist.

I can't buy into the Albert Ostman abduction either.

I think that Doug Bilby is one of the great Bigfoot story tellers.

Bigfoot fingerprints on cars, etc. are really of no use. Upcoming Blog.

Don Keating, aside from being kiddingly called names, is a really smart guy.

Does Bigfoot know how to make fire or maybe just doesn't feel like it.

Is there anyone that is famous in the Bigfoot community that Henry doesn't have a picture of him standing beside that person.

If I did it, I'd screw it up, But, we need more Bigfoot conferences here in the NE.

To Bill Green, no, I am not actively investigating any sightings in Mass.

Why can't they rename the Unknown Primate Category, "Bigfoot". Isn't it the same thing?

Andy Drew has our show on automatic startup, login and chat page. I wonder how he does that?

If Bigfoot has a language as a major study indicates, why don't they have either tools or wear animal skins for protection against the cold?

Diane Stocking never met a microphone she didn't like.

We'll have to do this again sometime. Next time, maybe your name will pop up!

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