Saturday, October 10, 2009

Is Bigfoot Real?

Hmmm, good question! I wish I knew for certain.

Alices’ Wonderland, Dorothys’ Land of Oz, Rumplestiltskin and Santa Claus are real in childrens’ minds, but they’re just made up stories as we later found out. Made up stories? Like the Queen of Hearts, the Wicked Witch of the East. the ugly Troll and Grinch, are these stories of Bigfoot just fantasies like the above fairy tales, made up to scare us for awhile until we realize that there’s no such thing as monsters? Until the realization sets in, the hoaxers have a great laugh at our expense. Yeah, maybe there is no such thing as Bigfoot and I have wasted the last two years doing a show about a fantasy. Maybe I should have done a show about Little Red Riding Hood. After all, the Big Bad Wolf was a creature of the woods!

But wait a doggone minute here! What about the tens of thousands of sightings of the creature known as ‘Bigfoot‘? A great deal of these are from Game Wardens, Cops, Firemen, Doctors, Phd’s lumber Jacks, Hunters, Fishers, Nurses, Moms driving their kids to school and others who have no agenda to lie. I personally have read thousands of these sightings myself on websites that keep records of these reports. And, these are just reports of people that submitted them. What about the people who were too embarrassed or afraid of ridicule from friends, family or co-workers to submit their sightings. What about the other people who were not afraid to report them, but didn’t know where to report them.

Well, what about some pictures? If there were this many sightings, where are the pictures? There are pictures out there, but most of them are out of focus, hard to see, etc. To be honest, not worth a damn. However, most of the sightings are from people who were in a vehicle not expecting to see anything. Most sightings are but a second or two, too quick to get the camera out and point and a good deal of them are that the people were too surprised to remember the camera. This in fact happened to me. What about the videos such as the Paterson/Gimlin film which to this time as not been proven to be a hoax? But that is a topic for another Blog at another time.

What about the fact that there are thousands of footprint casts? 15, 18+ inch footprints. Imagine yourself as a hoaxer, going into very remote woods miles off the main logging road with a pair of wooden feet hoping that some research would walk by in the next few days or so because the rain would wash away any traces of them or in the case of snow, they would melt. You’d maybe do this once or twice before saying to yourself, that’s it!

What about the hair? Samples of hair have been found from time to time and submitted for analysis. It comes back as ‘Unknown Primate”. this is after having been compared to every known animal. Hmmm.

There are many other things to present here such as rock throwing, vocals, tree knocks, footsteps, stealing of food, teepee structures, etc. but this is suppose to be a Blog and not a book.

Is Bigfoot real? Fantasy? I wish I knew for certain.

Now it's your turn. Bigfoot real or fantasy? If you have an opinion, go to comments.

Next Time: My Own Sighting


footdoc said...

Hi BigfootQuest,

It's a very interesting topic. I'm not swayed into believing at this point with the evidence at hand. Who knows what the future may hold.


Unknown said...

Skepticism is not a bad thing. It keeps the rest of our heads from becoming more than normal size.