Saturday, January 2, 2010

Brr, it's cold outside!

Well, the holidays are over and we hope that each and all had a great Christmas and a safe New Years Eve and day. And for those of a differant faith, a great holiday also. I was a little disappointed this Christmas though. I usually get a box of coal and I thought this year would be differant, but, at least the box was smaller. I really have to remember to be good in the future.

The other night, I went outside on the back porch to get a breath of fresh air and a cigarette (cough, cough). I always cough when I do that, it must be the fresh air. Anyway, it was about 15 degrees out and the wind was howling making it less than zero with the wind chill. I stood there thinking about what a terrible night it is. I also thought of Bigfoot.

How in the world does Bigfoot survive in weather like this? Someone would naturally answer the question as, just like any other animal in the woods! Yes and no, because there are other factors involved here. Animals are supposed to keep warm because of their fur. Always have and always will. But Bigfoot has hair and is at a huge disadvantage, right?

Being a virgo and always having to have my facts right, prior to writing this I went on the internet to research hair versus fur. There was all kinds of fun facts there. First of all, hair and fur are the same. The difference I guess, if any, would be that when it's thick, it's called fur and when it's thin it's hair. The thick stuff has a double composition made up of primary and secondary layers. The thin stuff is like the hay we all have (or don't) on the top of our heads. My own head is leaning towards 'don't'. In the case of animals having the two layers, the undercoat is mainly for warmth according to season. We (primates) don't have the secondary or rather the undercoat to add to our warmth, therefore, it would get a little chilly without the added benefit of clothing or animal skins on our backs.

Now, I can see how a deer keeps warm. According to the book, The Deer of North America, deer have approx. 5,000 hairs to the square inch. I thought at one time that this figure was in error as it seemed to be a lot of hair in so small a place. I actually had it in my head that I was going to personally count them myself one day, however, I then decided that a nap would be more appropriate.

A human with a good mop of hair believe it or not, is about 700 hairs to the square inch. Who knows about Bigfoot! However, when I take a pencil, many sheets of paper, an eraser and calculator, I figure if Bigfoot is anything like us, he's about 4300 hairs short of a deer. I suppose with enough food, it's great size and bulk, Bigfoot would be able to generate the heat needed to survive in really cold temperatures. I have a friend in the State of Maine who spent his entire life in the woods as a woodcutter. He's a really big guy and tough as they come when it matters. In all the 20+ years that I've known him, he's never worn a coat. So, maybe Bigfoot doesn't need one also.

That's it folks, out of time and space. See you all next weekend. I need to go out to the back porch and have a, err, breath of fresh air.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Anon, hmmm, I guess if the Skunkape IS real, then I would assume that all Sasquatches were real.