Sunday, February 28, 2010

Nobody Home Upstairs

Today's topic is going to be very delicate to write. I'm sure there are going to be some people who will disagree with me. However, in my opinion of Bigfoot is that he's not an intellectual. I really wanted to say stupid, but being in a rather magnanimous mood today, intellectually wanting might be a better phrase.

I have many reasons for saying this, but first let me put forth the fact that I am no genius myself so I'm not putting down Bigfoot because I feel superior. There are schools out there that have my report cards framed and placed on the walls of the Principals' offices as a warning to all new teachers that they would at sometime be exposed to people like me. I graduated from high school simply because they thought I was a lost cause and they needed to get rid of me. But being magnanimous, it's really unfair of me to compare myself with Bigfoot, so let's look at a few examples of Bigfoot vs. Caveman.

Cavemen made fire. There are no records of Bigfoot making fire. Cavemen wore clothes (Skins).
There are no sightings of Bigfoot wearing skins. Cavemen had shelters from the weather. Bigfoot might have teepees, but c'mon, look at them! They wouldn't hold back a drop of rain nor a gust of wind. Cavemen drew pictures on cave walls. Bigfoot wouldn't know a charred stick from a carrot. Cavemen had weapons. Bigfoot hunts with his own two hands even though all the makings of weapons are all around them. I'm sure that you the reader could think of others.

It seems to me that Bigfoot has plenty of think time on his hands and it also seems to me that he could use this time to think about improving his lot in life. That is, IF he can actually think of things other than suppertime coming up.

Now let's go to sightings. Here's just a few examples. People have decribed them as walking right in front of their vehicle without even turning the heads and looking at them. Are they deaf? No peripheral vision? People have described them as swaying from side to side while standing still. Do they have some kind of inner music going on there? No, I don't think so. They have been seen just walking around aimlessly. What, no place to go? But I will say in their defense that they have been seen and described as having an intelligent look on their face, however, if you look at my picture on the right side of the page and if you knew what I knew, you would change your opinion of what intelligence is.

Just once, I'd like to read a sighting from someone that sort of goes like this: "I was canoeing down Mudflat Creek and when I rounded a bend, there was Bigfoot. He looked intellectually wanting. He had his back against a tree and his cane pole fishing rod on his knee and a mess of trout on a wire between two forked sticks. It even looked like he had a bottle of beer next to him. When he saw me, he pulled in his line, grabbed his line of fish and off he went." Then and only then, would I compare him to me!

Okay Gang, thanks for dropping by and see you next Sunday.
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footdoc said...

Hi Bob,

You make some very good observations.


Unknown said...

Thanks Doc, now I know that at least one person reads the blogs lol